If You Can launches game changing Notification Platform

NotifyMe is a notification platform engineered to solve problems plaguing virtually all organizations and businesses of every industry, most likely yours included.

The Problem

The problems are well known and, to date, not really solved by anyone, until now. Organizations of any size communicate with audiences who have their own language preferences as well as their own communication tools.  The problem isn’t small either.  A metropolitan city of any reasonable size will have over 100 languages spoken at home. And, with the plethora of apps available in the app markets, businesses struggle to get the word out via SMS, email, chat, social media, physical flyers and more.

With a troublesome open rate, email is ineffective. SMS offers a poor user experience, antique and under threat of destruction by Google. This leaves you with reaching out to your audience with every app they may use.

The Solution

This one of a kind, enterprise-class notification solution delivers instant notifications to smartphones translated into the languages your audience demands.

NotifyMe Overview


NotifyMe has been strategically priced for affordability.  If You Can wants NotifyMe to be withing reach of every kind of business, from Mom & Pop outlets to massively large financial institutions or telcos.  Starting at Free of Charge for very small use cases (e.g. 12,000 notifications per year) to millions of notifications per month to custom price plans and everything in between.

For use cases above the free tier, the price per notification starts at $0.01 and drops to $0.0031 on larger volumes.

For more information or to sign up with an account, visit NotifyMe online.

End users who want to install the NotifyMe app on their iPhone, iPad or Android phones can simply scan this QR code.  This one, magical QR code will help you install the NotifyMe app on any of your iOS or Android devices and start the sign-up process.

After signing up with the app, users can subscribe to places and begin receiving important notifications.

For media inquiries, please contact
If You Can Company Limited
We’re on Google Maps
Email: You can email us (Old school)

It’s better to just scan the QR code above.


  • Admin
    Kevin Bloom August 28, 2019 7:11 pm

    Wow, this is awesome.

    • Admin
      Admin August 28, 2019 7:12 pm

      Thank you, we are very proud of what we’ve built.

  • Admin
    Joe August 29, 2019 7:49 am

    Really nice site!

    • Admin
      Kevin Bloom August 29, 2019 7:53 am

      I agree

  • Admin
    Artur August 22, 2020 4:30 pm

    That is great

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